First assignemnt in coding! part of program to develop coding skills in 12 weeks, at a time it feel impossible to develop JS site to calculate BMI index.... gradually can only smile about those days !.
My first date with database managment, develpoing pure Ruby backend application with ability to do full CRUD, developed used BDD concept with Cucumber feature testing an Rspec for unit test, deployed via Heroku ... lots of sweat & fun.
Styling, partials and deploying Middleman helper methods to get a full static website up and running, deployed using Github ... and you are on it rightnow! .
Consectetur ornare nibh, a auctor mauris scelerisque eu proin nec urna quis justo, adipiscing auctor, ut auctor feugiat fermentum nec quisque eget pharetra, felis et venenatis aliquam, nulla nisi lobortis elit, ac luctus.